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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dino Lingo

Thanks to Influenster I discovered a very cute language learning program for children. I viewed a clip of a german one on youtube. ^^^^ It reminds me of some other educational movies I have gotten for Evan, in that it has the word, the picture of the word and different clips of what the word is in action. It helps get all those synapses firing. I am thinking of ordering the Spanish one for ME, because I can't seem to get stuff to stick. It'd be good for Evan to watch too, because he goes to a diverse school and has some ESL friends where their first language is Spanish. From what I have seen so far, I like! On the site they have lessons you can try for free in THIRTY different languages, wow!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Crest 3d whitening and Influenster

Last night was day 4 and after an hour treatment I am starting to notice a definite and noticeble improvement, excited to see what my teeth will look like on night 20.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day one of my journey with Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

I am so excited, I finally received an Influenster box and boy was it needed. I was naughty and have smoked for over 15 years and drank coffee steadily for just about as long. My teeth are looking pretty yellow.  I have strips on my teeth right this minute and it isn't so bad. The taste of peroxide doesn't bother me though, because I have used toothpastes and mouth washes containing it in the past and now the results will be worth it. I am going to try to take a picture every day before the strip and after removing it. I am excited to see what my teeth are going to look like at the end (20 days). I am going to post all those on my instagram page. For more information on the whitening strips visit   The first night I am going to do the 2 hour express whitening, but the rest of the time I am going to do the standard 30 minute whitening routine. I will need to figure out how to post my instagram photos here and share. I will definitely share the first and last photos. Because as Crest says "If You're Not Whitening, You're Yellowing." Spot on!

*I received this product for free in exchange for my honest opinion and feedback*